The Bareos project provides and supports packages that have been released at

However, the following tabular gives an overview, what components are expected on which platforms to run:

vVV.V starting with Bareos version VV.V, this platform is official supported by the project
com-VV.V starting with Bareos version VV.V, this platform is supported. However, pre-build packages are only available from
nightly provided by Bareos nightly build. Bug reports are welcome, however it is not official supported
X known to work
:math:`star` has been reported to work by the community

Packages for the different Linux platforms

The following tables summarize what packages are available for the different Linux platforms.

This information is generated based on In most cases this is identical to the packages provided by Only if a package have been added later in a maintenance release, these information may differ.

Distributions that are no longer relevant are left out. However, you might still find the packages on our download servers.

Bareos tries to provide all packages for all current platforms. For extra packages, it depends if the distribution contains the required dependencies.

For general information about the packages, see Bareos Packages.

Packages names not containing the word bareos are required packages where we decided to include them ourselves. / Ubuntu Universe

The distributions of Debian 8 include a version of Bareos. Ubuntu Universe 15.04 does also include these packages.

In the further text, these version will be named Bareos ( (also for the Ubuntu Universe version, as this is based on the Debian version).

Limitations of the Universe version of Bareos

  • does not include the libfastlz compression library and therefore the Bareos ( packages do not offer the fileset options compression=LZFAST, compression=LZ4 and compression=LZ4HC.
  • prefers that Bareos ( is linked against GnuTLS instead of OpenSSL. Therefore, the Bareos ( package only support section-TransportEncryption but no Data Encryption.
  • does not include the bareos-webui package.

Mac OS X

Bareos for MacOS X is available either

However, you have to choose upfront, which client you want to use. Otherwise conflicts do occur.

Both packages contain the Bareos File Daemon and bconsole.

Installing the Bareos Client as PKG

The Bareos installer package for Mac OS X contains the Bareos File Daemon for Mac OS X 10.5 or later.

On your local Mac, you must be an admin user. The main user is an admin user.

Download the bareos-client*.pkg installer package from

Find the .pkg you just downloaded. Install the .pkg by holding the CTRL key, left-clicking the installer and choosing open.

Follow the directions given to you and finish the installation.


To make use of your Bareos File Daemon on your system, it is required to configure the Bareos Director Daemon and the local Bareos File Daemon.

Configure the server-side by follow the instructions at section-AddAClient.

After configuring the server-side you can either transfer the necessary configuration file using following command or configure the client locally.

Assuming your client has the DNS entry and has been added to Bareos Director Daemon as client2-fdbareos-dirclient :

This differs in so far, as on Linux the configuration files are located under /etc/bareos/`, while on MacOS they are located at ``path:/usr/local/etc/bareos/`.

Alternatively, you can edit the file /usr/local/etc/bareos/bareos-fd.d/director/bareos-dir.conf.

This can be done by right-clicking the finder icon in your task bar, select Go to folder … and paste /usr/local/etc/bareos/bareos-fd.d/director/.

Select the bareos-dir.conf file and open it.

Alternatively you can also call following command on the command console:

The file should look similar to this:

bareos-fd director bareos-dir
Director {
  Name = bareos-dir
  Description = "Allow the configured Director to access this file daemon."

Set this client-side password to the same value as given on the server-side.


The configuration file contains passwords and therefore must not be accessible for any users except admin users.

Restart bareos-fd after changing the configuration

The bareos-fd must be restarted to reread its configuration:

Restart the bareosFd
sudo launchctl stop  org.bareos.bareos-fd
sudo launchctl start org.bareos.bareos-fd

Verify that the Bareos File Daemon is working

Open the bconsole on your Bareos Director Daemon and check the status of the client with

In case, the client does not react, following command are useful the check the status:

Verify the status of bareosFd
# check if bareos-fd is started by system:
sudo launchctl list org.bareos.bareos-fd

# get process id (PID) of bareos-fd
pgrep bareos-fd

# show files opened by bareos-fd
sudo lsof -p `pgrep bareos-fd`

# check what process is listening on the \bareosFd port
sudo lsof -n -iTCP:9102 | grep LISTEN

You can also manually start bareos-fd in debug mode by:

Start bareosFd in debug mode
sudo /usr/local/sbin/bareos-fd -f -d 100